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Welcome to the Remittance Transactional Fraud Detection API Documentation - V4

This Neuron allows you to detect remittance transactional fraud, add or remove users to a blacklist and give feedback on the actual fraud status of a remittance transaction.


This route allows classifying a transaction or group of remittance transactions into 3 categories: fraudulent, non-fraudulent or suspicious.


  • type: select the type of transaction(s): deposit.
  • token: available via free trial or subscription.

Transactions API

Request Body - JSON Array

  "user_id": "user-1234",
  "user_type": "PERSON",
  "transaction_id": "1234-5678",
  "transaction_type": "REMITTANCE",
  "transaction_date": "2028-02-12 18:09:58.408000+00:00",
  "transaction_amount": "749.39",
  "user_balance": "0.19",
  "user_country": "US",
  "user_city": "Madrid",
  "user_zip": "33126",
  "user_created": "2025-02-24 09:32:07+00:00",
  "user_agent_browser_family": "OTHER",
  "user_agent_device_family": "PC",
  "user_agent_os_family": "OTHER",
  "user_verification_level": "4.0",
  "billing_country": "US",
  "card_brand": "MASTERCARD",
  "card_hash": "12345",
  "card_sub_brand": "80",
  "card_bin": "527515",
  "card_last": "3509.0  ",
  "same_card_shared_ip_day": "0",
  "same_card_operations": "0",
  "same_card_operations_day": "0",
  "same_card_shared_ip": "0",
  "same_card_shared_user": "1",
  "same_card_shared_user_day": "0",
  "same_ip_operations": "0",
  "same_ip_operations_day": "1",
  "same_user_operations_day": "0",
  "ip_geo_region": "FL",
  "ip_geo_point_lon": "-80.01", 
  "ip_geo_point_lat": "-122.34",
  "ip_geo_code": "US",
  "ip_geo_timezone": "America/New_York",
  "tpp_error_reason": "59:Suspected Fraud",
  "billing_user_country": "US",
  "user_account_status": "KYC3_FULL_ALLOW",
  "transaction_state": "PENDINGIN",
  "transaction_currency": "EUR",
  "order_memo": "Ayuda familiar",
  "fraud_score": "3",
  "fraud_score_tpp": "0",
  "phone_country": "US",
  "fraud_state": "APPROVE",
  "tpv_name": "TRUSTPAYMENTS",
  "tpv_card_Aut_3D_secure_2_method": "NaN",
  "tpv_card_3d_s2_partition": "NaN",
  "tpv_card_dcc": "NaN",
  "tpv_card_same_ip_country": "False",
  "email_domain": ""


    "transaction_id": "1234-5678",
    "pred_category": 1,
    "pred_category_name": "Fraud",
    "pred_prob": 0.9997968077659607



0.99 0.86


This route allows to add, check if the user is included and the reason or delete users from the blacklist.


  • Add: Include new user to the blacklist, optionally we can add the reason

  • Check: Check if a user is on the blacklist

  • Delete: Remove a user from the blacklist

Blacklist API


"Your subscription plan doesn't allow this operation"

"User is blacklisted with fraud confirmed" 

"User is blacklisted as suspicious, fraud not confirmed" 

"User is blacklisted as fraud. Reason: {reason_blacklist}" 

"User is not blacklisted" 

"User was deleted" 

"User was added" 


This route allows feedback on the status of a transaction, with 4 options being possible:

  • 0: No risk
  • 1: Suspicious
  • 2: Fraud
  • 3: Approved


  • token: available via free trial or subscription.
  • user_id: unique anonymous id that identifies the user
  • transaction_id: unique anonymous id that identifies the transaction
  • fraud_state: 0, 1, 2, 3

Feedback API


"This transaction already has that fraud state"

"Updated transaction fraud status"

"Added transaction with specified fraud status"